
제8회 전국학생과학논술대회 수상작(고등부 영어논술대상) - Confluence of Science and Technology

신동아·중동고 3학년

Confluence of Science and Technology

◆ 주제 : Although we tend to perceive science and technology as inseparable concepts, science and technology in fact have been distinct concepts and will continue to be.

◆ 참고도서 : On Creativity. 2nd ed.(Bohm, David)

Although we encounter ‘science’ via reachable medium such as TV shows, books and take sophisticated technologies such as IPod, broadband internet access as granted, we rarely distinguish science from technology or vice versa. Then what’s the difference? Oxford English Dictionary gives us two distinct definitions: … (중략) … Thus, I concluded my own definitions by refining the given definitions: science would be the accumulation of knowledge about the world while technology would be the application of knowledge.

Before investigating the confluence, the ‘crucial assumption’ in the given topic must be verified. Has each of science and technology developed along two separate paths and met each other into the confluence in modern times? It’s a big “No.” … (중략) … The Sumerian, with the firm understanding of Earth in the universe, exploited this knowledge for more effectual agricultural practices; they knew when to plant/harvest and how to control water resources. Doesn’t this fact illustrate a perfect convergence of science (abstruse astrology) and technology (down-to-earth agriculture)? Ancient people were not applying scientific knowledge into technology ‘rarely or by chance’; they were aware of the significance of science and its infinite chance of being applied to the real-world. Thus, the assumption that science was rarely applied (or that there was separation in the past and there is not today) is clearly

flawed. Nevertheless, since most of scientific theories discovered in the ancient times were not applied immediately after the discoveries, the past could be defined as era of ‘abstract confluence’ that was slow and weak in comparison with today’s confluence.

Thus the focus of this discussion must be readjusted to the explication of the ‘accelerated’ and ‘massive’ confluence happened in modern times. Why are the ‘two’ so readily engaged into a close relationship these days? Simply the answer lies in the Industrial Revolution and the rise of capitalism at the threshold of 19thcentury. … (중략) … Thus, with the exponentially improving technology brought up by the Industrial Revolution, such confluences as aircraft build up to produce more and more ‘massive’ confluence of science and technology.

The second factor, rise of capitalism played its role by ‘accelerating’ the confluence. … (중략) … Since Industrial Revolution fueled the big businesses especially those driven by manufacturing industries, latent scientific theories were sought after, meaning that any scientific discovery that could be deemed useful was given a light by the big businesses. … (중략) … This phenomena or so-called confluence in the given topic becomes so intensified that ‘the distinction’ no longer holds meaningfulness. This is exactly how science and technology co-operate each other; … (중략) …

Thus, the core of problem in this discussion is a matter of our sense of perception:concepts we merely used to think of becoming reality in the tangible form or such concepts that are yet to come true (refer to Appendix). The decisive factor is the proportion; we humans used to have more of latter rather than the former. But it is evident that with the help of capitalism and Industrial Revolution we have managed to dramatically increase the proportion of the former, unintentionally engendering a ‘misled conclusion’ among the public that the separation that used to exist no longer does in the modern times.

Technology and science will keep cooperating, influencing each other, and looking much interconnected (at least to the eyes of human) as long as their confluence is driven by persistent economic and industrial advances based on relentless human desire for curiosity and convenience. Nonetheless, we should not forget to acknowledge the absolute limit that we may never be able to reach. Though rapid and omnipotent, human technology cannot cover the whole world of science, if our very limited perception ever can fathom. That explains why science and technology are two distinct things, though inseparable to our eyes. Therefore, the ‘separation’ mentioned in the topic did not suddenly perish in modern times; … (생략) ….

● 심사평 ●●●

신동아 학생의 글은 원어민이 썼다고 해도 믿을 만큼 영어문장과 표현이 자연스러웠다. 무엇보다 과학과 기술의 관계를 분리냐 융합이냐라는 이분법적인 관점에서 벗어나 둘의 관계를 연속적인 관점에서 보고 문제를 재해석한 뒤, 이를 사람들의 인식의 측면에서 탐구한 점이 매우 독특하고 참신했다. 산업혁명과 자본주의가 흐릿했던(하지만 완전히 분리된 것은 아닌) 과학과 기술의 관계맺음을 공고히 했다고 주장한다. 다소 추상적인 논의를 더 구체적이고 밀도 있게 끌고 가지 못한 점이 아쉬움으로 남는다.

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