
제8회 전국학생과학논술대회 수상작(고등부 영어논술대상) - Analysis of the Relation Between Science and Technology

배규환·오성고 3학년

Analysis of the Relation Between Science and Technology

◆ 주제 : Historical analysis shows how the relation between science and technology has changed and excepts that the relation will get deeper in the 21th century.

◆ 참고도서 : 21세기 지의 도전 (다치바나 다카시 지음), 과학사신론 (김영식/임경순 공저)

Today, science and technology have an intimate relationship. Developments of technology in a field must be accompanied with developments of science in related fields, and in order to engage in technology, one is required to acquire the scientific knowledge of the related area. … (중략) … Looking back on history, however, it was not always the case that science and technology keep close relation. … (중략) …

Then, why have science and technology been separated till pre-modern times? It is because people were not able to make science and technology interact each other. The scientific knowledge related to manufacturing technology is very complex and determined by a lot of variables, most of which were scientifically understood only recently. Actually, however, those knowledge was used in real technology without scientific understanding. People constructed a ship by experiences without the help of fluid mechanics, and brewed alcohol without organic chemistry or biochemistry. On the other hand, relatively less useful scientific fields including astronomy, mechanics, and optics had been developed until the Industrial Revolution in the late 18th century. Like this, science was not applicable to
technology and could not give solutions to technological problems.

Here, I will examine the ways science and technology have interacted to form the current relationship. First, science came to provide new knowledge and theory for industrial technology. As a result, science research institutes were founded supported by companies, and the culture of science research settled down in industry. In the mid-19th century, the knowledge of organic chemistry and electromagnetic was employed to chemical and electric industry, respectively. The application of organic chemistry to chemical industry began when Justus von Liebig of Giessen University in Germany produced students who were equipped with the research ability in organic synthesis area. … (중략) …

Second, technology, in turn, helps scientific discoveries in modern times. … (중략) … What are required here are experiments and observations, and technology provides tools for experiments and observations. … (중략)… Hubble’s observation of expanding universe in 1929 was enabled by the development of telescope whose lens diameter reached 2.5 meters.

More examples are easily found in the up-to-date science like nano-science and bio-science where great precision is needed. In those fields, the importance of equipments is increasing day by day.

Finally, political factors like war and cold war can bring about a new-type combination of science and technology. The most outstanding feature of the science developed after the Second World War is the appearance of so-called ‘Big Science’ which puts its basis on large-scale research. The ultra-large scale research was made by the cooperation of tens of, or hundreds of scientists in a team. Big science originates from the research of nuclear bomb during the war, and spread over the world during the cold war combining government, university, institutes, military, and industry. … (중략) … The peculiar points of the big science are that the science research itself becomes greatly dependent on the experimental equipments and technicians who operate the equipments play more important role. The enhancement of technicians’ role in science reveals the intimate relation between modern science and technology well.

So far, I explained why it was not until modern times that science and technology formed close relation. Generally, it is easy to list famous scientists in history, like Newton, but it is not easy to list technicians before Edison. This is because the uneducated craftsmen were usually in charge of technology in history. Like this, scientists and technicians have taken their own orbits and science and technology have also developed along separate paths. …(중략) … Considering trends of big science appeared in mid-late 20th century, the interdependence of science and technology is expected to develop in more various ways in the 21th century. 1

● 심사평 ●●●

배규환 학생의 글은 깔끔한 구성이 돋보였다. 서론에서 논제를 자신의 언어로 정리한 뒤, 과학과 기술이 서로 다른 길을 걸어오게 된 원인을 서술했다. 본론에서는 과학과 기술이 밀접한 관계를 맺게 된 원인을 3가지로 요약한 다음 결론에서 지금까지 논지를 정리하며 마무리했다. 과학과 기술이 서로 영향을 미친 사례를 적절하게 제시했다. 글 가운데 어색하거나 애매한 표현이 눈에 띄고 논지를 세련되게 서술하는데 부족함이 있지만, 고등학생 수준에서 자신의 생각을 짜임새 있게 잘 구성한 글이라 대상으로 선정했다.

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2009년 07월 과학동아 정보

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